Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Catching Up

So sorry folks, I'm way behind in posting.  You know how life sometimes intervenes, right?  Lately, I've been running in circles.  Doctor visits, kid getting ready to take his driving test, playing with the new camera, gearing up for NaNoWriMo (yes, I'm a fiction writer as well)--all take time away from my photography.

To catch you up, I received the D3100 just in time to do my very first family photo session.  Thanks to Nikon keeping their fans in mind, there isn't a big operating difference between the D40 and the D3100.  Yes, there are things that define one from the other but I haven't had the opportunity to delve that far yet.  Suffice it to say I was able to use the new camera the first time out with ease.

Since the family session, I've been learning the finesse of touching up photos.  And with many distractions around the house, it's been slow going.  But I AM learning.  I began with over 200 photos (this was a twelve person session), narrowed it down to around 30 poses I liked and now have 13 finished photos.  That's a ton of culling.  But I will say I'm getting better at framing my shots and for that, I'm thankful.  It sure saves time (as well as pixels) when you get to the editing stage.

I'll check back soon to talk more about what I learned from my first family portrait session.  Until then, keep your batteries charged and your camera handy for that impromptu shot that will appear when you least expect it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm working with far less fancy equipment (Samsung Intercept's cam and an HP web cam) lol. I keep forgetting to keep the phone w/cam charged which makes me miss both photo ops and phone calls. And the web cam's tethered to the comp of course, lol. I like reading your updates. You've posted at once each month since you started (August's the exception with its four entries), so you're being just consistent enough to keep us interested. :)
